Monday, July 31, 2006

I have come again.

Hello again. There weren't as many bugs as I thought there would be. Well, Okay. There were, they just weren't blood sucking and the kind that I hate. If you want to know more about the trip, you should ask me. Way too much to type, and even if it wasn't, I don't feel like typing it all.
I read some books on the trip though. About three, more than I've read in five months or so. I read of the exploits of a dutch missionary, the inner workings of an honest writer's mind, and a trip he made around America once. Oh, and us three, Jon, Mike and myself, Are pretty much famous. Well, not really. But we went to their youth group, and apparently everybody was asking about us. We are just that cool. And all we did really was goof off. It was great. We kind of wanted to stay, but Jonnypants and sir Chubb had work or something so we had to get back. The trip back was pretty ridiculous. Mike's car is pretty old. Cars of that age aren't meant to go that far it seems. Even though he had put over 8 hours work into it the week before camp.
But I wouldn't have anything to tell if the trip went smoothly there and back.
So I'm around for the last leg of summer. We will make it the most extravagant and excellent month of the year yet!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Come here the rantings of a sleep deprived, pink-shirted boy. Why is he sleep deprived, pink-shirted and ranting? Well, maybe you can gather that from the rants.

I went to Nanoose. Along with lots of friends. Woot. Wanna know the weirdest part of that? It didn't matter so much that I had some friends there, coming with me. For the first day they were pretty much nowhere to be seen. Actually, they were in the band or counsilers, so busy. It was kind of lonely. But camp doesn't really start until you have your team, as Reid said, and that is a good place to start.
I am a proud member of the Redskins. We are an excellent team who doesn't win most of their games, but has good games almost every game. For those who don't know, Nanoose is a sports/God based camp. mostly about God, but sports fill the time and atmosphere. 11 Teams in madcore competition. The sweat and soreness and screaming. So good;) And naturaly, everyone thinks their own team is the best.
The speaker was...well, I didn't like him really, but I liked most of what he said. It was relevant to my thoughts. He was the guy who spoke and a smaller island youth gathering called the zone. He spoke of fire and 'give it all up lay it all down hand it all over'. He spoke of experience and stuff he'd done (same thing there...) so you knew he wasn't a hypocrite...I'm still not a fan, but let God use who I don't like. Even though I didn't like him, I think he did an excellent job. Better worded, let God do an excellent job through him, encouraging us to do the same.
His name was Trevor. He was from Winnipeg. He brought a guy named Bryan, also from Winnipeg. Bryan was put on the Redskins. That guy was so cool. And hilalrious too. Well, I thought he was. Apparently I'm like his friend Tim, who he hasn't seen in soo long. Clearly Tim is pretty darn sweet.
I guess I should wrap this up, but first I'll tell you about my lodging. Heh. I was in the lodge, with lots of other guys, none who I knew. For the first couple nights I didn't care and went straight to sleep cuz I was tired. Then I stayed concious one time to see what would happen...Oh boy. So funny. It smelt pretty bad in there though. Eww.

So yeah, I am off to travel some of the world again on monday, across to the mosquitoe infested plains. so, I leave this place once again. kl;ngwjgno4wnktr;knwkvl;nj;kl4ekle

Saturday, July 08, 2006


July 7th was quite good. The day before was crazy. The set up, the preparation. There was a midnight show, so I decided to go then, and that everybody wanted to go with me. Might not have been as right I thought I should have been, but that's okay. Not everyone needs the same obsession. Otherwise...well, you don't need too much imagination to see what would happen if everyone shared such things. Now that you should know my biased, the movie was soo worth it. I liked it. The paper didn't like it too much. I read a thing on it...stupid paper. Don't try to judge movies. Mostly, the liking or disliking is based on opinion. The 9th is the last day I will ever deliver papers. In a constant, daily fashion anyways. Haha. What is my point? I don't think I have one.
By the by, is anyone who knows anything about music inclined to aid me in the finding and aquisition of an excellent bass guitar? Dear Cronk will soon be gone for a long time, and I don't wanna just stop playing. Friday nights is great, but I'll never get better if that is the only time I play. So I must aquire one, yes? Yes. A good solid one. Now for something completely different. 5 in the morning is pretty amazing during the summer. The other day I was up at such a time, walking past a, the sun does the most amazing things. It light the sky up pink, and that was reflected in the water. And then the mountains across the water in different shades by distance. So picturesque. We truly do live in the best place on earth.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Verbal tirade

What is a verbal tirade? I don't know. My vocabulary is still being worked upon, but it was in the risk rules. The official rules anyway. I think they are kind of silly. There is some ridiculous stuff in there. Rules are what everyone plays by. Nothing more then mere guidelines by which the game should be played. Pirates on July 7th!! I think this would have to be the most excited I've ever been about a movie. And if it sucks...Let's not go there.

Why am I talking a verbal tirades and such? Well, Because summer has officially started and I'd like everyone to know how mine started. I'll skip the boring parts if you really want. Okay okay. So Monday we had to have a good game of risk before Jared ran off to Ontario for three weeks or so, and we did. Jon and I were the dominants, and we ended earlier than the end, but it could have gone on forever. Then I went to work. Yay. Tuesday was nothing. Wednesday was...Well, I dislike working daytime shifts due to the lunch time rush. They are gross. But work is boring to speak of, so we can mention emotional intelligence. Kyle mentioned it at spy cell, so I clung to that as a life raft to give the night a more study like feel. Mostly, it's not saying the standard answer for 'how are you'. Fine, right? Or good, or great. It's telling the asker how you are actually, not merely a cover up to skip the question. So we brainstormed words. And more people left for vacations on this day.

Thursday I received my card that reports. Some teacher who said I was going to fail passed me. Woot. I was happy. It made my day. And now for the days of goodness.

Friday was...kinda lame till about 6:30. Then the concert began. It wasn't the best concert ever, but I liked it. I swagged myself a pink shirt. Pretty much the coolest thing since fox and socks, and don't get me started on that. Haha. American History Ex is a pretty quality movie too. If the reality can be stomached.

Canada Day!! I sat in the sun for about four hours and they said I was in the parade. Got the farmers burn pretty solidified. Apparently my skin doesn't tan. It's very patriotic. Only red and white for this hide. Then I nerded it up with Jon with some heroes. I'd have to say that it is one of the best games ever. When I was young I used to go over to Kyle's all the time, and we'd rip up the first one as well as we could, being seven or whatever, listening to some Abba. Now the two are linked in my head pretty good. Like it or not. I worked the rest of the day away. Blahg.

And the grand conclusion to this tirade is Sunday. It was beautiful. I wore my pink shirt. I felt so cool. Church is pretty solidcore. He's trying to help us to reach out to people. It's better to be their friend than their converter. Nods all 'round. Then myself with some old guys, Mike and Reid, went for adventures in the village. Sidney doesn't get to be a town today. We saw about a million people. I moved the burn up my arm a bit. We listened to the band play. Cronk made the band, I must say. Just the little things he said between songs...He told everyone to go to a nearby ice cream shop while they were waiting. Anyway Then there was some chillage with Sir Robert Petkau. Pretty darn cool. I lost, but it doesn't matter. I was trying something stupid anyway.

Is anyone good with projectors? At about ten we tried to rig up our genius idea of connecting Heroes to a projected. It was an old projector, but it was free, so no complaints. It took a while to make it work decent for just the computer. But then we did. But heroes didn't work. It work flick the image crystal clear for a second, but not long or frequently enough to do anything. Then the thought,'well, do other games work?'. So we tried starcraft. Worked perfectly. Worms. Perfectly. Naturally this upset us a bit. Why doesn't what we want to play work? In the end, we scrapped trying to make it work on the projector, and just played it on the compy. Oh, and we got to meet Mike's kitten. They found it scared and cold in the forest, and it's a pretty darn cool cat, I must say.

But you know what the coolest thing about Sunday was? Sarah arrived back from Kenya today. In the midst of everyone leaving, she returns. Pretty sweet eh? Welcome home Sarah. Well, that probably bored you all to death, so now that my job is done... (exit stage right).