Saturday, July 22, 2006


Come here the rantings of a sleep deprived, pink-shirted boy. Why is he sleep deprived, pink-shirted and ranting? Well, maybe you can gather that from the rants.

I went to Nanoose. Along with lots of friends. Woot. Wanna know the weirdest part of that? It didn't matter so much that I had some friends there, coming with me. For the first day they were pretty much nowhere to be seen. Actually, they were in the band or counsilers, so busy. It was kind of lonely. But camp doesn't really start until you have your team, as Reid said, and that is a good place to start.
I am a proud member of the Redskins. We are an excellent team who doesn't win most of their games, but has good games almost every game. For those who don't know, Nanoose is a sports/God based camp. mostly about God, but sports fill the time and atmosphere. 11 Teams in madcore competition. The sweat and soreness and screaming. So good;) And naturaly, everyone thinks their own team is the best.
The speaker was...well, I didn't like him really, but I liked most of what he said. It was relevant to my thoughts. He was the guy who spoke and a smaller island youth gathering called the zone. He spoke of fire and 'give it all up lay it all down hand it all over'. He spoke of experience and stuff he'd done (same thing there...) so you knew he wasn't a hypocrite...I'm still not a fan, but let God use who I don't like. Even though I didn't like him, I think he did an excellent job. Better worded, let God do an excellent job through him, encouraging us to do the same.
His name was Trevor. He was from Winnipeg. He brought a guy named Bryan, also from Winnipeg. Bryan was put on the Redskins. That guy was so cool. And hilalrious too. Well, I thought he was. Apparently I'm like his friend Tim, who he hasn't seen in soo long. Clearly Tim is pretty darn sweet.
I guess I should wrap this up, but first I'll tell you about my lodging. Heh. I was in the lodge, with lots of other guys, none who I knew. For the first couple nights I didn't care and went straight to sleep cuz I was tired. Then I stayed concious one time to see what would happen...Oh boy. So funny. It smelt pretty bad in there though. Eww.

So yeah, I am off to travel some of the world again on monday, across to the mosquitoe infested plains. so, I leave this place once again. kl;ngwjgno4wnktr;knwkvl;nj;kl4ekle


Blogger Delbert said...

unfortunet my friend, i really liked trevor. maybe your missing out on not getting to know him? or maybe i'm ignorant to this blatant flaws? we'll see. let's talk when u get back maybe. peace

1:13 a.m.  
Blogger Rob Petkau said...

Proud of you bro!!!
For listening to God through someone you don't really agree with. As a speaker myself - that attitude is what I hope for most in my listeners! Because (you won't believe this but...) some people don't like me either!

1:38 p.m.  
Blogger Lauren said...

I find it kind of hard to listen to somebody preach and such when I'm not really a huge fan of theirs. However I rarely come across those people and when I do I try to look past them and just hear the message. So props for being able to do that, so many people can't. Glad you had a good time....although bad smells aren't so enjoyable.
Guess who's in town next month?

1:45 p.m.  
Blogger drewology said...

Glad you had a good time. Glad you connected with Brian. He was one of my youth when I was a youth pastor in Winnipeg (he went by BJ). He is a very cool guy. I hope that God continues to challenge and grow you through what you heard at Camp. See you when you get back.

10:51 a.m.  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

Oh Yeah!! Brian said to tell you andrew that BJ says hi...too late now though, I guess.

12:47 p.m.  

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