Sunday, December 17, 2006

Trees or Branches?

So, I definitely yoinked this title from someone else's blog. Can you find who? I'd say I'd give you a prize if you're the first to find it, but I don't have many prize things to offer. No money, see? But if you can think of a prize I can deal out, lemme know. Wow. That's an amazing deal guys. Play my game and name your prize. Does it get any better? It can be yours for only...

Welcome home to those who have returned. A couple of them came to my house Friday morning ( apparently there was no school. Okay. ) and whisked me away on an adventure through...nah. Just an adventure. It was a grand time, like those of old, but now I don't think I can focus at all for the one more week I have to focus for. Mmm school going up to three days before Christmas. Sweet, huh? Oh no. I think I'm getting sick. Maybe if I ignore it, it'll go away.

Friday night was cool. Roberto (Raw-BEAR[<--roll the R]-toe{ wasn't meant to sound like that, honest}*yeah brackets:P*)...Okay, sentence restart. I only got one word into that one too... ohh...

Rob spoke on some stuff. He speaks much different than Andrew. It isn't better or worse. Just different. But, I do have my preference. It was basically about living what you want, if I remember correctly. If I said I wanted good grades in school, but didn't do any of the work, then I really don't want those grades enough to do anything about it. You gotta work for that. Yup. That was probably in the back of my mind somewhere. But bringing it up to the front got me wondering...

How long do you have to fake something before you aren't faking it anymore? There was a guy at a prank site who tried to see if he could give himself OCD by going through the actions. It didn't work. But that's not what I'm talking about. I guess I mean faking something into habithood. Hmm...this isn't coming together well.

Like, sometimes your doing stuff, and it's stuff, and everyone's like' good job you' and you're all like 'sure', because really you're just going through the motions. Can you just go through the motions, and then eventually they won't feel empty anymore? Like, with tongues, that might be a good example. Because I understand nothing of it. I was at this camp once, and the guy said' hey, if you want to speak in tongues, you gotta get your tongue moving first, blah blah blah' Those blahs might have held important information, but I don't remember them, so they probably don't add to my story. Then he called kids to the front. And would come to them, have them speak 'in tongues', and then have them carry on. So, you just opened your mouth and made jibberish, and those were tongues. Umm...okay. So if I just make jibberish come out of my mouth, does that mean I'm speaking in tongues? If it does, I speak in tongues a lot more than I know. If I keep speaking that jibberish ( gibberish...whatever ), does God just come and make it into something worth saying? Does that motion translate to praising God?

I stole a book from some guy today. I let him know, and he'll get it back eventually. We had a Christmas play type dilly at the church, and there was definately an hour long break with nothing to do. I couldn't even fall asleep. It was terrible. But, then I found this book. That will go titleless for now. But it's about two historical dudes. One is the Freud Dude, and the other is C.S. Lewis. It pretty much compares there lives, as they believed and defended well the opposite ends of Christianity. And by that, I mean only one falls in that category. One vouched for God, that other said he wasn't real. I figured it would be a good book to read. Apparently I like debates, so I might as well read about one between some smart people. Right? But, I could never get my knitting done in time with reading a book. 6 days left. Wow. Christmas is darn close. It's about 8 days away now. It's sneaking up, and I don't really care.

Somebody killed Christmas. That's a shame. And everybody will be talking about Christmas for the next little while, so from now on, I vow not to speak of Christmas till the rush and advertising are over. And someone tell the kid messing with the weather machine to calm down. He's gonna sink our island, or something ridiculous if he keeps it up..


Blogger boo1234562 said...

y do u write so much on ur blogs?

7:59 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it I know it!! You stole the title from Shannon...and as for my's about another movie night?!? That's what I pick. Yupperz. Do I win do I win?!?!?

9:06 p.m.  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

You most surely do. So, do I throw out there when it happens, or do you have such suggestions?

Haha, my verification word was 'meleee'

11:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meleee? define and use it in a sentence please

How does Tuesday look? And by that I mean NEXT tuesday...

12:09 a.m.  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

That the...umm...26th? Boxing Day? And you'll rememeber that far in advance? Hee hee. I think I'd be down. We will see, closer to time. And, I suppose you might have a movie in mind?

Hmm...well, melee means fighting, so the extra e on the end should make it mean something completely different...Like... Unbroken stillness. Like...hmm...

That definition isn't working for what I have in my head. It's like the surface of a lake that is completely flat. No waves, no ripples. Just...perfectly neutral. Umm...does that make sense?

'This is me using meleee in a sentence'

That lake is meleee.

That person is meleee.

There ya go. As you can tell, I dont quite have the interweaving into a sentence thing worked out yet.

12:39 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hrm...k, maybe not boxing Day...but two days later on the 28th? That's a Thursday...and as for a movie idea....I'm clueless...sorry. And as for remembering...I'm getting worse. It's so bad! So this'll be like a test. Thursday the 28th. Yup!

8:49 a.m.  
Blogger Rob Petkau said...

I love the way you write bro!
I'm glad to hear you got something out of the message. I will shamelessly steal this question from you...
"How long do you have to fake something before you aren't faking it anymore?" What a fantabulous question!
As for tongues. Yes - jibberish can be praising God. It is less about what comes out of your mouth, and more about who your attention is on, and what He is doing.

2:06 p.m.  
Blogger MC said...

What Rob says makes sence. I think it is a bit like the non-lyrical side of music. It is less about the words that one speaks and is more about what one's heart is trying to say through music.

Yes. I think faking it can become habitual. I also think that it can become deadly in a spiritual sence if it is not broken.
Watch out behind you!

And as an aside- your giberish can sometimes be a lot more virtuous than you may know.

9:58 p.m.  
Blogger MC said...

Did that make sence?

9:59 p.m.  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

Yeah, about as much as jibberish(If I ever control the english language, this is how this word will be spelt). Yup. Really, I'm asking if you can fake someting long enough so that you aren't faking it anymore. Say I was pretending to be a jerk. How long would it take till I didn't need to pretend anymore? Till I BECAME that jerk?

If that applies there, does it apply to, say, spirituality? To anything, or everything? Probably not...I agree, fake isn't good, but if thats all you have, can it become real?

11:37 p.m.  
Blogger MC said...

yea. If people think you are that person you become that person? makes sense. But you might just as well break down and have an identity crisis or something.
Bla bla bla

9:39 p.m.  

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