Sunday, May 28, 2006

Speaking of which...

Sometimes thoughts are hard to write down. Or even to put into words. That's one of the reasons why social skills will never succumb to the digital wave. There is only so much that say be written. And even then, it's impossible to tell what was actually meant sometimes. It all becomes open to interpretation. No inflections in voice or body language or expression to aid understanding.

And then of course, there is the government acquired 'schooling'. I was talking with Reid yesterday, and he thinks the point of school isn't education. As Mark Twain once said 'I will never let schooling interfere with my education'. But it is for social development. To make friends and meet all sorts of people. Because they are all forced into going to the same thing to get the same stuff.

Maybe I just don't have any thoughts for you anymore. Maybe my life stopped entertaining me, so I can't reiterate it to fill your time. Maybe in three weeks, when school is done, things will become more exciting.

I saw a sign this morning (and pretty much every morning) and it said 'Welsh parking only. All others will be dragoned away' I thought it was a pretty cool sign. Mostly cuz it had something to do with dragons. Breath of fire. Now that was a quality game. And there are about four of them too. You run around as this kid (Ryuu, which, funny enough, means 'dragon' in Japanese. Wonder where the game was made...) and meet other people who also wish to uphold your cause. Like most RPGs. But this kid you are turns into a dragon!! Pretty sweet huh? Well, I thought so. Haven't played those games in forever. Good old role playing games, Where you can lock yourself in our room for a couple days and enter a completely different world, where anything could happen the first time. After that, it gets kind of repetitive.

But, soon Nintendo's new system, the WII(whee, this name sucks!), or better named, the revolution comes out. That should be amazing fun. Because with new systems come new games and more good times. Really. Those of you who don't like video games because you can't play at the same level as everyone else...Try again. New system, so everyone is pretty much a newbie. Why not start then?

Of course, I don't know when it comes out. For that stuff, ask Graham. It could be another year for all I know. But I can wait. Mostly because I have no other choice. But I can. Ok. Time to go.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Week of life

I'd like to welcome Reid and Jon to the blogging world. (YAY YAY)<---that's you guys cheering. So, I highly recommend checking them out. Jon is a rower (that pretty much describes awesomeness) who is reall funny and pretty smart too. And Reid obtain the nickname of awesome, so what does that say? He is one of the coolest guys I know, and his veiws are worth checking out. So, before continueing here, check out the aforementioned blogs of these two excellent men. Thank you.

Now that you have gone and read those blogs, I can bore you to death with what I did during the week of my birth celebration. Yup, I'm older now. So, Monday was hideous. Awoken at 2:30 to deliver papers (the joys of being a paper boy!), followed by airport at 4 to send off an amazing girl who is off to Kenya for 7 weeks or so. Then, I cam home and was a nerd for a while. Yeah, I should have slept, but who always does what they should do? Then off to school. School isn't that bad anymore. Things don't matter when you don't care anymore. The first two classes I nearly fall asleep about ten times each, and prolly did a few times. Oops. Then at lunch I go lie in the sun the whole time. It's great. Anyway, afterschool I went to a band thing, which means I walked around the track about ten times with a bass drum attached to my belly. Impossible to see children past that mass. Then off to prepare for Mcdonalds. Yay! It isn't too bad once I get there. Slow, but not bad. The worst thing is it inhibits the possible chilling time with friends. This shift wasn't so bad though, cuz I worked drive through and saw so many people I know. It was fun. My family came and brought me a cake. At work. While I was working. But it worked out. Asleep by one...almost made the 24 hour mark...

Tuesday...well, Kyle and I decided we hadn't had a good Heroes of Might and Magic game in a long time. So we went to his place and did that, listening to abba the whole time. Just like old times...He had blue koolaid, pretty much the best stuff ever, so I had a couple cups. But about halfway through the second cup, I forgot how much I had drunk, and it camoflaged so nicely with the cup...
Anyway, after that I watched an episode of an anime he had gotten into. It's called 'Initial D'(in-i-cial Dee) and It's about street car racing. I only saw the first episode, but crap those japanese can make things so that they draw you in.

So wednesday, afterschool I went back to Kyle's to watch a few more. Rediculous animes. Glad I don't have to wait a week for them. Nothing really happened in half the episodes I saw, just character crap. And the outcome becomes so predictable. Like the peasants quest game from home star runner. Not to spoil it, the ending is original, compared to most usual endings. But it was made by original people. What else would you expect? From Kyle's to Joshua's where we travelled to the beach. Who goes to a beach and doesn't swim? Well, certain circumstances allow for not swimming, but this one didnt really. Bunch of lazies. Oh well. Then we went back to the crevice (NOT crevace) and they brought a suprise cake up. Yay Werner, you're making everyone eat cake! It wasn't too bad. Fun, as they say.

Then to today. Neutral zone was a water fight. Yay! But you want to know something more fun? I recieved my first gift that wasn't a card or a cake. It's pretty snazy. My mother decided that she wanted to get me a cell phone, so she did. so know I can be a menace not only while I am at a residence, but anywhere and at anytime. Dun dun dun.

Alright, one last thing before we wrap this up. The last week of July, there is a road trip planned for the week. We need one more person to come along. We'll be buying some bulk food before we go I think, and camping while we are there. If you can come, or would like to know more, preferably both, then lemme know.

'I fear that I am just a man...'

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Guess what I did? Okay, well, tonight we went over to Sarah's for a movie. But the movie wasn't the great part. She began speaking in child, you know, like infancy speech. And naturally you kinda wanna join in. That was the great part. Children are so energetic, and when you act like a child, not acting childish, but trying to be a five year oldish, it seems to rub off. We just don't get excited like we did when we were children. Sure, we can add and subtract and multiply and spell and speak with sophistication and plan our own stuff and have relationships...well maybe, but we lose innocence to get there. I mean, sure, we aren't born innocent because we screwed up way back when, but as we age we become more and more guilty. And it starts to show in life. Kids will talk turkey, holding almost nothing back. If they think they can trust you, and they know you, you can have the most real, honest, and ridiculous conversations you've ever had. In acting, we auditioned for a play. Everyone will get in, but whether everyone will get what they want is entirely different. One of the two plays though is about friends, and it sparatically follows them through life. Childhood and adulthood and all the places in between. Not in order. It jumps around a lot. But it still covers. You find so much out about the characters in the scenes where they are younger. Children. Real. Before they become socially savvy. Before they know what's 'acceptable'. I'd think I'd rather be a child then the age I am now. But I've already been there. It's done. What am I going to be like when I'm 25? 'Oh man, I wish I were 16 again'. Silly cycles. But that's how life works, right? That's why history is doomed to repeat itself. Until someone breaks the cycle. God breaks the cycle. Once upon a time, we were stuck like a stick in mud, or a hot dog in a pot, in a cycle that sucked horribly and was inescapable to us. We were told jhow to stop it for a bit, but it always came back. Sin was unavoidable. Sin, sacrifice, sanitized. Over and over again. God thought, 'Well, I really love these people, but I cannot be unjust in their favour, because then I wouldn't be me. That would be as though the earth's gravity suddenly reversed, sending everything away from it into space. I cannot do that.' Then Jesus said,' Hey dad, if those animals that they sacrifice can take away one sin, then a perfect sacrifice could make them good again. Forever, right?' So that's what they did, and forever broke that cycle. It's going to break again. God will come back to earth, and everything will change so that nothing will be like it is now, just as nothing is as it was then. It will be fun. I hear when this next day comes, it will be a day of dread and of fear. Like a stew on a slow cooker, his wrath will be ready to unleash. It is kinda scary. So, when that comes, I wanna be something he likes. A lot. When he was physically here, he loved the children. Why did he love the children? Go play with one. Build a sand castle or look at the boats. You'll see. I wanna be like that. Innocent. Real. Energetic. Unafraid. This movie night made my day. It was a good movie, but as you know, that wasn't why. I was reminded of what it was like to be a child. It's refreshing. Especially when I know that I'm God's child. So if I'll always be God's child, why try to be more? I like it here. I want to be a better child. 'God's foolishness is wiser than man's greatest wisdom'. Maybe some see children as foolish. Maybe they are the smartest ones of our time.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Why do so many things seem to happen at the same time? Why does everything have to happen in cycles? Is it just that we aren't tuned in most of the time, and when we come back we realize that we need to catch up on all the crap we missed? Are some things just not 'loud' enough, until they all pile on top of each other til we notice? Maybe it all just seems as though this is how it works, when really it doesn't work this way at all. But does that matter? Don't the way things seem take and fill our mind, creating a psuedoreality?

Just a few days ago, A student who attended my school died. It wasn't her fault or anything. Death doesn't hurt the person who has died, only those who are still here. So now the school will mourn for her. They will try to do something to make it up to her family. That isn't a bad thing. If I died, I'd want someone to help along those who cared that I wasn't around anymore. When I learned of what had happened, it was in acting class. You cannot continue that class after that sort of news. So we didn't. Seeing as I was suddenly free for a while, I decided to go contemplate the whole thing of life and death. And take a nap in the sun.

Is death really that different from life? I know they are painted as opposites, but we don't really know much about death. We can only see it from the life side. If someone goes through a door, and all you can do is watch them go, you can still only see the side of the door you started on. How could you know what is on the other side? Once, my crazy japanese teacher told a story of what one student said to him that he would never forget, and now neither will I. Kind of randomly, he spoke of near death experiences, and how some see a light at the end of the tunnel. He said something comparing that experience to being born. When you're born, you go through the birth canal and emerge into things that you've never seen before. My teacher thought that was something worth remembering. And I thought it was kind of cool.

I read a book once that said however we lived on earth, death would be a would be a continuation of that. If we live in the light, death would be an extension of that. If we live in the dark, death would also reflect that. This book also said that the way we live should bring heaven to earth. So when we die, where we go reflects how we live. According to that book. Written by a man who hasn't died, and doesn't know what is over there. But that is all we have. We don't have many descriptions from those who have been to the other side, and those that we do have aren't plentiful. They focused more on the life that we live now. Maybe then how we live now matters more than what happens then?

Then how are we supposed to live? There isn't a manual saying what to do. Well, okay, maybe there is, but it attains levels of life that seem impossible to achieve. At least in one go. Maybe that's where Christianity comes in, with a saviour to make that impossible life possible.

Life is not a science. Life will never have a step by step guide that holds any credibility. There is no way we can discover every little thing there is to know about it. Why is death so central to life, it's opposite? Understanding might not be something we are supposed to reach, but the questions and the journey are important. Technically, way back in the day, The desire for knowledge and understanding led to death. I don't even know how that works. What does that mean the present day? Does it even mean anything? How then should we live?

Monday, May 01, 2006


T'was an interesting Monday one must say. I'm not sure I liked it much, but it was interesting. It felt like I zombied through the day. Meanwhile, crappy systems of life urge me to subscribe. Just because everyone else does doesn't make it a better system. Let's skip the boring parts and get to the part where Jon and I accidentally climbed a mountain.

It was a beautiful day outside, and enjoyed by most. Upon invitation, some of us went over to the infamous Michael Cronk's place to make music. But first, we created a game that uses only crazy dice, and ate macaroni. Then we made music. We destroyed and remade the band in about a minute from silliness. One day we shall master screamo. One day...

Then it became the hour of 7. Hoping to cause change and impact maybe, we decided it would be an idea to head to Sarah's for her spy cell. More truthfully, we kinda wanted to see how Laura led. So, I convinced Jon that we should walk there, because a nice walk would be great. Yup. Jon had his guitar and amp crap with him though, so we had to carry that. Arriving at the top of his street, we figured that a shortcut would be in order, so we took one. Just up and over the hill. Cresswell. But then Cresswell ended, and the street we arrived at didn't have a sign stating the name. Being kinda lost but still trying to make a head map, I logiced that uphill was a good way to go. So we walked. We saw Fluffy from a distance. I don't know if the dog's name was actually Fluffy, but he heard us. Pets around there fear us. Muaha.

Walking up this dasterdly long hill for quite some time, we finally find another intersection. This one has more street signs. Yes. Checkin' it out. It said 'Forest Park Dr.' At which I respond, 'Hey, Sarah lives off Forest Park Drive'.

This is one of those moments where you realize something at the same time as everyone else around you. Even if there is only one other person. We realized that we had been going the wrong way the whole time. We went to pretty much the end of Dean Park. And then we found this, so turned around and went back to where uphill sounded like a good idea. One minute after going the other way from that intersection, we saw the street we were looking for.

So really, it would have been an excellent shortcut. Amazing really. But we went the wrong way...hahahahaha. We climbed a mountain. Muahahaha. Ahem so yeah. That kind of tires a guy out a bit, And to be honest I think my balance is sketching out a bit.

Oh Cresswell.....