Friday, September 29, 2006

Stuff Posing As Meat

Hello, I'm continueing the blog spam. And hearing out some Thrice. Soo good.

Just to get in the groove abit, I'm going to tell you about the 'It'll work this time' principle. I made it up. Yup. But it's relevant. Sort of. Yesterday Josh and Jon and I played some worms. My weapon of choice is my greatest weakness...who could resist the all poweful banana bomb? Anyway, we got down to the last game, on a ridiculous made up map. Jonny had two guys on one side, and I had one on the other. Lots of stuff in the way. So we tried a variety of weapons to hit each other, moving on towards another everythime one failed. Ish. Till we got back to ones that we had already used. It'll work this time. But that isn't enough to warrant a principle. There prolly isn't enough anyway.

So then today in history (sorry guys, but you are pretty much going to be walked through the highlights of history from my mind, cuz it is by far the most interesting class I have, and it takes up at least an hour five days a week...I filter it down for you. Honest) Newton did a quick summary of what each country was thinking after the first world war. His reditions are quite humourous, I assure you. Germany whipped out the schliefflien plan...'It'll work this time.' I like it.

What do you guys think of the nature vs. nurture stuff? It's a psychology arguement About what impacts character more...genes or how they are brought up. I'm pretty sure there is a balance of somewhere inbetween. Neither one is actually right, but neither one is wrong either. There's what I think on that. Hmm. I got lost in an artficial maze. I hope there's something nice at the end.


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