Sunday, September 03, 2006

There's a bear coming...

Camping is a great way to get to know a new youth pastor. I'd say what I learned maybe, but then he'd read it. Haha. Jokes. I couldn't say it here now...simply because creating the thoughts that make what I learned into words just isn't working. Too tired. Soo good.

The second day was the best. I felt sort of in that state of limbo, where you're tired but not gone yet. Or maybe that was the first day. Either way it was good. Sang some dashboard songs loud and offkey, lost some chess games, said goodbye to some kids. I guess I'll see them in a couple months. The campout also helped out into perspective that we are in the second tier. When you enter youth, most are pretty young, and the whole thing is built for them to connect with God and some friends. Set up good role models, blah blah blah. The second tier would be when you realize that there are more younger kids than older, so then you ARE an older kid. You start to realize that youth isn't built for you anymore, but you are still there, and really still essential. You ARE the positive role model. I guess age isn't really the only factor...But when has it been? Age should never be the only factor.

For a bit I felt that it wasn't my youth group anymore. Mine was up and leaving. That didn't mean I was. That was just what was happening. So now it's their youth group. And I don't think I'd mind being part of it. To be remembered as someone who changed peoples lives forever? Just by being in a youth group? Well, who could resist mate? Haha. Most of the people leaving couldn't stick around for too long at camp cuz, as said, they were leaving. Thanksgiving should be swell.

The best overall thing though, is that when camping, there is no time. No rush. No crazy schedule to follow. It just goes... Mmm, soo good. We shouldn't have to rush everywhere. But at the same time, we should still be efficient in what we do. What if we had time to think? To do the things we've always wanted to? Sure money might be needed for some of the later, but it really isn't that hard to come by. It's interesting to wonder how it was in the beginning, before we had 'civilization'. Everything was fresh. You could be the first person to have ever thunk that thought just thought. I don't know what I would do if I was then. I'd like to think I would live amazingly. That maybe I'd even make history. If I could make it then, shouldn't I be able to make it now? How do people make history now? How was it made then? Is the difference really that big?

Ready for school? One last year. Last year I tried to treat it as something fun, approaching the whole thing differently. Why not approach it as though it were timeless, as though we were timeless?


Blogger Delbert said...

"approach it as if it were timeless, as though we were timeless?"

wow man. that deserves some contemplation. allow us to think together sometime maybe.

6:40 p.m.  

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