Friday, September 08, 2006

Sourdough Dreams

Hello. This will span most of my evening. As interesting as they are, ha, I wouldn't call them blog worthy. But this one seemed like fun. We had some communion at youth. Mmhmm. And there was definately some sourdough bread that wasn't used or meant to be used. It was all for presentation, from what I can gather. I was given half of it, and just started making it smaller. It was gone before I left the church. There's where the sourdough comes from. Not. Sitting. Well.
By this time, most people have left, and three of us remain on foot: Sir butterface, Darth Cypher, and yours truly. So we started walking along. The sourdough may or may not have kicked in by now. I can blame it for anything. That's the best part. We started talking about dreams and crap. Not like, 'one day I'm going to be an astronaut' dreams, we mean 'whoa it's a monster. I need a sword. Oh, now I have one. Where'd the monster go? Okay' kinda dreams. The fun ones that don't make any sense. I had one a while ago...

I had to go somewhere, and it was far away. So we stopped somewhere and I thought I'd go on a nature walk or something. Thing is, the path just kept going. I'm thinking, 'oh, I'm going to be late. I'd better start running'. So I did. The path was beautiful though. It went to where there was a clearing on one side, pretty much tundra really, and clusters of small trees on the other side. There were mountains in the distance on the tundra side. It was really cold. So I put my sweater on. That I had. Somehow. Eventually I got to the end of the path, and it was a small town in the middle of nowhere. There was a gas station. I went there. I think it was getting robbed. Maybe for ice. I don't know. But there was ice. Then I left and hopped in a military transport. It was like one of tose things that come from star wars and hold th droids, except there were less people inside then droids. It was about the size of a room or something. The military guys were pretty cool. Then I saw my mom's van, then somehow she was driving the military thing. And that was that. Then I had another one...

I wasn't in this one, so it was kind of like a really badly done movie. Like most dreams... anyway, it was dark and there was this girl driving a car around in the middle of nowhere. Thne she pulled up to the house. People who I'm pretty sure weren't in the car before got out and went into the house. They were trying to stop something. Then there was a guy in the house. He was bad. From the car, we could we the silouettes on the windows. All the lights were on for some reason. Every room he left, the lights went out. Then he got to the last room, and was trying to kil a bird or something. So that's what the kids were trying to stop. Yes, they were kids. They failed, and then dissappeared, except for one that got caught by the guy. Poor kid. Then my dad was randomly there, and somehow the whole thing was meant to teach me or the girl (it got a bit hazy) how to back up and park. Poof. Game over.

In Butterfaces dreams, there are recurring characters, such as spiderman. Then we diverged to Optimus Prime. I think Andorra would be a great name for a girl. Jon doesn't. Jon says if I name my daughter andorra, I have to name the next kid OptimusPrime. I guess I'd have to be pretty crafty to get that one past the wife, eh? Slip it in the middle name. Harry OptimusPrime...Oh, poor poor girl... And if you hole your shadow just right, you too can have lego hands.

When I was a kid, we used to have really old game system things. There was one where you run around and random monsters pop up and you always die. If you didn't somehow you got to another thing that kills you. Like a queen or something. I think we also had tennis on it. Why do I tell you of this? Because I blame it for something. Way back when, I think that machine would sketch out and start blinking crap. You know, like smooth clear whiteness, then garbled black mostly with little chunks of red and blue and such thrown in. Pretty much the exact opposite of the white. So, I don't exactly know why I tell you this. I just don't see why I remember this. It might not have even come from the machine. Maybe I made it up in my head. It randomly comes back to memory sometimes. It's pretty weird.

Sometimes when you eat stuff before you go to bed, it makes weird dreams happen. Here we go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a weird one last night too...I dreamt someone from Texas called me on my cell phone at 5:52am....oh no wait..that was real....

8:20 a.m.  
Blogger Mike McMillan said...

wow thats all i can say ..i wish i had dreams.. i day dream ..and those can get reall strange

2:37 p.m.  
Blogger Jon said...

If you name your daughter Harry Optimus Prime Schmidt, I will forgive you for naming your other child Andora.

8:42 p.m.  
Blogger Jaime said...

Wow.....that's all I can say, wow!
Those are some pretty random dreams, kind of like mine.

I'm just glad that in my real life I don't have maximum security inmates trying to hit on me! Yep....I think I'll go now.

7:05 p.m.  
Blogger Lauren said...

Um...strange? The first dream reminded me of Narnia for some reason.

9:11 p.m.  

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