Thursday, September 07, 2006


Hello. This is mostly just so I remember that word. Gregarious. Ain't that fancy? I love big words. They make me happy inside. Why? Because they enable a person to speak with the most amazing language that they could say anything in a way that would drop the jaws of all that listened. I want to be able to talk like that one day. Dr. Suess has been an amazing help. One day it'll be all up here and I'll be able to rattle 'Fox in socks' off without a flaw. So you can speak quickly and accurately. Who cares? Go be an auctioneer. They are amazing to, but not in the same sense I'm trying to get at.

Have you seen 'V for Vendetta'? I want to be able to talk like him. Or like Hamlet. Everything you say could loaded or empty. Clearly it takes an amazing mind and a vocabulary that has more then one word (ex. amazing...jeez Werner....) to pull off that perfection of speech.

That's all. I just wanted to remember that word, so as to one day have it engrained in my vocabulary, enhancing the art of the tongue. Hopefully I won't be too old by the time that happens. If it happens. Anyways, carry on mates.


Anonymous Anonymous said... can remember the word, but will you be able to define it, or use it in a sentence? That's the true test...applying it!!

Anyway...I think you write quite eloquently...and you write just the way you you're good...too many fancy words is just a mask for stupidity...people trying to sound intelligent who eally aren't, and those who simplify, are...apparently...

11:06 p.m.  
Blogger Delbert said...

so, what does that make me? hmm...


1:40 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion, oh worthy fidels of time space and all that is in or beyond, I conjure that in some stately manner, the process of taking one word and fusing it to the next becomes more a thing of predominancy than of mere eloquency- or even transendent consistency. Lest you become like a bannana milk shake- whirrled and shaken like a hurricane- the thristquencher of your life (and might I say "only then") will become truly comsummable.
So please go on friends, cohorts, revered, stately and students- follow in the example of predominancy.

Yours, quite insencerly,

10:39 p.m.  

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