Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Du dudu doo

Okay. That was a pretty alright Halloween. It seemed kind of surreal. Did it really happen? Was that it? It seemed more hyped up than it needed to be. Oh well. What's best is the next day, when everyone has candy to give you, and your house has candy, and you have candy. Mmm cavities never tasted so good. Hee hee.

So a friend of mine recently made a post on their blog about music. I'm ripping it fully away from the actually question( Check out 'Crosse the bridge', yo), but...You must admit the amazingness of music. Just for this instant, stop taking it for granted. It's beauty is amazing. I guess there is better and worse, and all music isn't made for beauty, but do you know what I'm saying? I cannot translate this into words, so I hope you do.

And then there is now so much noise around that silence is precious. Music isn't silence, but I wouldn't describe it as noise. Where is the line? And who draws that line? Who decides what is and isn't noise? Noise is sound, but not all sound. Talking can be nothing but more noise, but it could also be life changing.

But then...Noise seems necessary. To a point, of course. Too much of something is a bad thing. Sometimes it is hard to tell when too much is. You just become used to the effects of too much, and forget how it was before.

I guess I'll suffer the effects of too much candy soon. It's only once a year though, soo...Hee hee.


Blogger Sparrow said...

mmmm, candy!
mmmm, music!

1:37 a.m.  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Halloween was cool. I enjoy reading your blog, Werner; it is interesting to see what you have to write about. If I listen to music, it makes me feel better, depending on the mood I'm in when I go to do so.

8:47 p.m.  

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