Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Energizer Bunny

That bunny just keeps going and going. It's actually amazing. I know it is run off batteries, but still, those are amazing batteries then. What I need to do is just open up my back, and stick a few zillion in and see how long I'll go before I break. If only humans were run on batteries. What are we run on, really? We sleep, but we wake up just as drained as we were before. We eat to be hungry and drink to be thirsty. This might not be making sense, but that's because it really doesn't. We go about day by day spending more time keeping ourselves going than much else. By food or drink or sleep or other means. Like an old car that spends more time in the shop than on the road.

Batteries, my friends. I'm telling you, they're the way to go.

The silliest thing of it all is, I almost like being run ragged till I don't think I can keep going. Becoming so tired my eyes hurt and I could fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Not because it's fun or anything like that, but because I think it makes me think more. Not necessarily better, but still more. And the more you think, you're bound to come to some conclusions on something, right? Especially with an assumption that broad. Why might the thoughts entering my mind increase with less sleep? I'm not entirely sure, but my guess would be that there are less complications. Less boundaries. That might not make a lot of sense, but what do you think of when you're awake? I think of what I have to do next, or make up crazy head thoughts, but those don't help anything, especially my point. I fell more free to let my mind wander; to let it think about the stuff it doesn't usually think about in depth.

Of course, this means I'm not paying attention often, or doing much of anything useful. Like sleeping. Silly Werner. It also means tat I may or may not become a zombie that bites off haeds and eat brains for breakfast. Not likely though. Cuz that's just gross.

The other side to being uber tired is extreme nonsense. Extremely nonsentical.

You get the point.


Blogger Sparrow said...

Silly Werner, Trix are for kids!

10:54 p.m.  

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